Squares are a timeless office pool classic. Users can choose from a variety of boards with differing prize amounts.
You can add and remove as many squares as you would like. A square can only be claimed by one person (first come, first serve), and yes, only that person can remove themself from that square if they no longer want it. Once a square is claimed, the square will turn green to help you identify it as yours. All other players will see that square with your initials in it. You can move your mouse over any claimed square to see the first and last name of the person who owns it.
All of the squares within a particular game must be claimed in order for that game to be activated at game time. Once activated, squares can no longer be removed. Numbers will be randomly assigned to each activated game shortly before kickoff. If a game is not completely filled before kickoff, the game will be removed from the site and any claimed squares within that game will be ignored. The winners within each game will be posted shortly after the conclusion of each quarter. Prizes are awarded to the winners of each quarter in the amount of 10x, 30x, 20x, and 40x respectively.
*This is NOT a gambling site. Prizes are awarded based on the total number of entries for each challenge. There are no registration or administrative fees and the site pays out 100% of the money that it collects.