Props are a good old fashioned coin flip...sort of. Guess better than everyone else and you'll walk away with the top prize!
Each person will be asked to answer the same list of questions about the game. Each question will have either a yes or no answer. For example, "Will there be a coach's challenge in the first half?" or "Will there be a lead change in the 2nd half?" Pretty simple. The person who has the most correct answers at the end of the game wins. There will also be a question used to break any ties. For example, "How many yards will the winning QB throw for?" The total number of entries will determine how many prizes there are as well as the amount of each prize. This information will be posted on the site before game time and the leaderboard will be updated throughout the game as each question is answered.
*This is NOT a gambling site. Prizes are awarded based on the total number of entries for each challenge. There are no registration or administrative fees and the site pays out 100% of the money that it collects.