Bingo is just like your grandparents used to play...actually, no not really! Randomly generated bingo boards hold different plays from the game that may or may not occur. Play your cards right (literally), and you'll find yourself with a grab bag full of prizes!
Anyone who wishes to play Bingo starts by requesting a board. There is no limit to the number of boards each player can have. The more boards you have, the better your odds are of winning...maybe. Instead of numbers like B-7 and G-54, the boards have football "plays" on them. For example, "Passing TD by Dallas" or "False Start by Oakland" might be on one of your boards. When that play happens in the game, go ahead and mark it off your board. Every "play" will happen as part of the game, nothing about commercials or halftime shows. What if you don't want to follow the game that closely? Don't worry, the site will manage every player's board for them and update the current standings on the leaderboard. You are encouraged, however, to print your board(s) and follow along on your own or you can just stare at the leaderboard and get those vocal chords ready to say...BINGO!!!
*This is NOT a gambling site. Prizes are awarded based on the total number of entries for each challenge. There are no registration or administrative fees and the site pays out 100% of the money that it collects.